Joint Council
Environment Office serves the Joint Chiefs and Councils (Joint Council) of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and their respective communities and membership. Joint Council consists of the leadership from both the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation (Neyaashiinigmiing; Nawash; Cape Croker) and the Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation (Saugeen), encompassing both Chiefs and all Councillors. Chiefs and Councillors are elected every two years as defined by the Indian Act; Nawash’s council was elected in 2019 and Saugeen’s council in 2020.
Contact @email to be put in contact with a Councillor or Chief.
Saugeen First Nation

Lester Anoquot
Mike Henry
Sheena Kewageshig
Lorne Mandawoub
Gayle Mason
Conrad Ritchie
Doran Ritchie
Melissa Snowdon
Letitia Thompson
Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation
Administration Office – (519) 797-2781
Executive Assistant – Leona Roote
Nawash Unceded First Nation

Ogimaakwe Veronica Smith
Anthony Chegahno
Arlene Chegahno
Kathy Jones
Carlene Keeshig
Randa Keeshig
Beverley Nadjiwon
Nick Saunders
Norma Tobey
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation
Administration Office – (519) 534-1689
Executive Assistant – Terry King
SON Joint Council Committees
Committee |
Saugeen |
Nawash |
Advisory Team (Nuclear Issues: Bruce Power, NWMO, OPG, CNSC) *Note Advisory Team members also make up SON-CNSC Joint Steering Committee and 1 member representing each FN (can alternate) on the Medical Isotopes Advisory Board (Jointly with BP). |
Parks Team (Parks Canada) |
Territorial Resources Team (Pits & Quarries, MNRF[not fisheries], forestry etc. - formerly known as "Pits & Quarries Team") |
Governance Committee (MNRF - SON Committee with Chiefs and MNRF ADM) |
Joint Fisheries Committee |
TEEBO (Joint Committee with Bruce Power) **NOTE: Community program staff sit on this committee. There has been discussion in the past few years that councillor participation is welcomed but not required - but can be requested depending on agenda items** |
TC Energy Committee (Commercial and Environment) *New Committee* |
SON Restructuring Committee (ad hoc) |
Joint Council Committees not involving Environment Office Participation or Coordination
Land Claims Committee (Committee also includes matters related to repatriation/ancestral burial and related issues) |
Bruce to Milton (Nawash amalgamated B2M/HONI) |
Hydro One Networks Inc. (HONI) |
SON/WIND/K2 Working Group |