Treaty History
![Territory Map](/sites/default/files/images/Territory-map.jpg)
1836 - Saugeen Treaty No. 45 ½
Negotiated with the Crown. SON agreed to open up 1.5 million acres of land for settlement in exchange for economic assistance and protection from settler encroachment “…upon which proper houses shall be built for you, and proper assistance given to enable you to become civilized and to cultivate land, which you Great Father engages for ever to protect for you from the encroachments of the whites.”
1851 - Half Mile Strip Treaty No. 67
Negotiated with the Crown. Surrendered over 4,000 acres for a road to join Owen Sound and Southampton.
1854 - Saugeen Peninsula Treaty No. 72
Negotiated with the Crown. Interpreted by settler governments as the surrender of the Saugeen Peninsula in exchange for reserves - certain tracts of land set aside - and proceeds from the sale of the land “...agreed that it will be highly desirable for us to make a full and complete surrender unto the Crown of that Peninsula known as the Saugeen and Owen Sound Indian Reserve, subject to certain restrictions and reservations to be hereinafter set forth.”.”
1857 - Owen Sound/Nawash Treaty No. 82
Negotiated with the Crown. 10,000 acre Nawash Reserve to the northwest of Owen Sound was surrendered, with residents moving to Cape Croker, although many did not want to.
1861 - Colpoy’s Bay Treaty No. 93
Negotiated with the Crown. The Colpoy’s Bay Reserve (6,000 acres) was surrendered. Some residents moved to Neyaashiinigmiing and Saugeen, but the majority moved to Christian Island.
1885-1899 - Islands
The Fishing Islands, Cape Hurd Islands, Griffith Island, Hay Island and White Cloud Island were surrendered.
1968 - Return of Islands
Approximately 90 fishing islands in Lake Huron were returned to the Saugeen Ojibway Nation.
1994 - Treaty 72 Claim
Argues that Treaty 72 is not equitably valid, Crown breached its duty to “for ever to protect for you from the encroachments of the whites.”
2003 - Aboriginal Title Claim
Claiming Aboriginal Title to parts of the Lake Huron and Georgian Bay waterbeds.
2019 - Treaty 72 Claim in Court
Start of the Treaty 72 Land Claim being seen in the Court of Law.