Calling All SON Pipe Carriers

Poster for Pipe Ceremony on Nov 3

Poster text –

Calling All SON Pipe Carriers

As the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is progressing with their proposed site for a high-level waste Deep Geologic Repository (DGR), we too are progressing in our community-led process to decide if the Saugeen Ojibway Nation consents to the proposed DGR or not.

As part of this exercising of our Treaty and Aboriginal Rights, SON Elders have organized a pipe ceremony at the potential DGR site.

We have limited the number of people that are able to take part in person, if you would like to be present please reach out. We will try to accommodate a limited number of people to ensure COVID protocols are observed and maintained. Anyone who wishes to take part in spirit is welcome.

Nov. 3rd, 2020 @ 2 pm

A firm maximum of 25 people are able to attend (total) including the event organizers, as per the Ontario guidelines for outdoor gatherings.

A light feast will be available for attendees. If you are able to, please bring your feast bundles and a small dish to share.

For more information, contact
April Root-Thompson at 519-379-2399 or